To a child, the healing power of a certified therapy dog is immeasurable.
Woof! We’re Glad You’re Here.
Magical things happen when children interact with certified therapy dogs. Anxiety levels decrease, heartbeats slow, breathing becomes deeper and more relaxed, and fears are forgotten. When a child feels calm and secure, not only is learning possible, but physical and emotional healing begins.
We are Roxy™ Therapy Dogs, and we make magic happen.
6 Programs Benefit Children
Roxy™ Reading: Elementary School Reading Inspiration
Courthouse Companionship
Student Specialized Support
Secondary School Stress Relief
Pediatric Comfort
Roxy™ Responders
“What a gift Roxy Readers is to my special education students! We love the bond between handlers, dogs, students, and teachers. A dog has a special power: to bring calm to anxiety, to bring a smile to sadness, to motivate and encourage — even the most reluctant readers. To have a trusting face of fur look up to a child as they tackle the daunting array of letters on a page is magical to watch. We are so grateful for Roxy in the Central Bucks School District and look forward to many years ahead with our fluffy partners in literacy.”
— Eve Packel, Pine Run Elementary, Special Education Teacher
3,200+ Children Benefit
from a Roxy Dog Each Week
Roxy dogs comfort children and improve their self-esteem by lessening anxiety and fear. When a child feels safe and relaxed, learning is accessible and both physical and emotional healing are accelerated.
6 Programs:
Immense Impact on Children
School-age children receive comfort and support in six programs: Elementary School Reading Inspiration, Student Specialized Support, Secondary School Stress Relief, Courthouse Companionship, Pediatric Comfort, and Roxy™ Responders.
The Power of the
Human-Canine Connection
Dogs’ innate ability to impact our physiology and make us feel better is not just conjecture.
It’s grounded in scientific fact.
Roxy Community Voices
“The impact of Roxy™ Therapy Dogs on my first-grade students has been astounding. They are motivated and excited to read each week.”
—Alexandra Zucchero, Kutz Elementary School, First-Grade Teacher
“I decided to donate money to Roxy because I think it is important for children who can’t afford therapy dogs to get them, so they can get mentally better or feel better with the therapy dog by their side.”
— Leila, Simon Butler Elementary School, Student
“After just one session, students reported feeling calmer, happier, and in a better mood to face the challenges in their day.”
— Lisa V. Corr, Central Bucks High School West, Coordinator of Guidance Services
“My son was sad and didn’t want to go to the ESY program. Yesterday he had time with one of your dogs and was so happy. He keeps their cards and stickers and it brings him so much joy. Thank you for all you guys do!”
— Rachel Middleton